Lesson guide

How many lessons will I need?

Well there is no answer to that question, many instructors will quote you minimum and maximum amount of lessons required. All Learner drivers vary the amount of lessons they require to pass the driving test set out by the DVSA (Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency).

Below is a guideline to what lessons are required to be taken for a new driver to gain all the knowledge required to becoming a qualified driver(may not be the order you take your lessons in). It is recommended by the DVSA that a learner driver receives all these lessons, Approximately 45 hrs tuition from a qualified driving instructor, and a further 22 + hrs from family and friends. It does not mean all learners require this time to learn, as this time is a guidence. At times learners will need much longer time to learn this is normal so dont be put off by this.

I have broken down the training so you can see where your level of driving experience lies at the present time.

Stage 1 (1-14 Hours training)


1. Controls (D.S.S.S.M - how to start the car correctly) 

2. Moving away and Stopping 

3. Use of Gears 

4. Turning left 

5. Turning right 

6. T - junctions (emerging) 

7. Traffic lights, pedestrian crossings and use of signals 

8. Roundabouts 

9. Crossroads 

10. Hill and Angle starts 

At the end of this stage you should be able to carry out the following with minimal help from your instructor:

· Move away under control.

· Build up your speed to the speed limit using all the gears at the correct time.

· Carry out  left & right turns including emerging.

· Deal with Roundabouts and Crossroads.

Stage 2 (15-23 Hours further training)


1. Turn in the road (Removed from driving test)

2. Pull up on the right and reverse back

3. Reverse park, parallel & bay parking

4. Emergency stop & use of mirrors 

5. Planning and Awareness

6. Meeting situations 

7. Adequate clearance and Anticipation

8. Crossing the path of other vehicles

At the end of this stage you should be able to carry out the following with minimal help from your instructor:

· Control the car at slow speeds in both directions.

· Complete the turn in the road, reverse park under control & accurately.

· Stop the vehicle in an emergency under full control.

· Use reasonable judgment in meeting situations.

· Show Planning/awareness and anticipation when approaching all situations.

Stage 3 (24-30 Hours further training)


1. Dual carriageways

2. Overtaking

3. Individual driving

4. Practice stages 1-2

At the end of this stage you should be able to carry out the following with minimal help from your instructor:

· Make progress by driving at a speed appropriate to the road conditions.

· Drive on faster roads 

· Deal with pedestrian crossings safely

Deal with Advanced driving situations

Stage 4 (30+ Hours training)

During this part of your training you will practice all of the lessons in stages 1-3, so you can by yourself carry out any of the manoeuvres and driving without guidance from your instructor. You will also prepare for your test, so you feel confident and ready to take your driving test.


1. All subjects

2. Mock driving test (if requested)


Note: Hours required to learn will depend on lots of factors, below are some main ones.


  •     The individuals learning ability (desire to learn)
  •     The amount of lessons taken per week
  •     If the learner is getting extra lessons away from the instructor